Guiding North Stars

We believe that 'how' we do is as important as 'what' we do.

Us nonprofits that so fiercely advocate for social change externally have an opportunity to practice it internally. The process of learning what we want to be is a process of unlearning what we don't.

Relationships First

Build relationships of trust first and foremost - everything else will follow. Prioritize intimacy over efficiency. Reconstitute relationships of charity to relationships of mutual aid.


Unlearn white supremacy culture, personally and organizationally. Constantly identify and disrupt structures and mindsets of superiority and dominance, internally and externally. Challenge the American "Boot Straps Myth" and develop a political analysis that sees the ways that the ideology of individualism, whiteness, and institutional control undermine the health, safety, and integrity of us all.

Community-led Solutions

Organize the resources necessary for those most impacted to be the architects of solutions. Honor and invest in communities' existing networks of leadership and mutual care, and mobilize the nonprofit sector to do the same. Advance a paradigmatic narrative shift that positions communities as the experts of their own experiences. Invest in the leadership development of RCP Members.

Courageous Experimentation

Unlearn perfectionism and over-planning by trying it on for size, and iterating as we go. Think creatively, experiment with "unconventional" strategies, and be accountable to communities.

Continuous Listening & Learning

Listen, self-reflect, and practice the art of humble adaptation. Seek out and offer feedback in service to supporting each others personal growth. Remember that we are all in a process of becoming.